Simply The Best Results Blog

Discover the keys to unlocking your full potential, fostering empowerment within, and cultivating a life that resonates with meaning and passion. Each blog post is a step forward on your path to self-mastery, emotional intelligence, and profound personal growth.

It’s that Time of Year – New Year, Full Potential

It’s that Time of Year – New Year, Full Potential

It’s that time again when we must consider setting resolutions or goals for the next 12 months. Some experts will suggest striving to reach our…

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone: A Runway Revelation

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone: A Runway Revelation

The last time I walked down a runway, I was 12 years old, wearing a sparkly dress and trying not to trip over my own…

Keeping Up with the Social Calendar: 3 Ways to Enjoy the Season Without Exhaustion

Keeping Up with the Social Calendar: 3 Ways to Enjoy the Season Without Exhaustion

Have you noticed that there seems to be an overabundance of events to attend this month – networking events, coffees, lunches, socials, and dinners? Don’t…

Are You a Lifelong Learner?

Are You a Lifelong Learner?

We never stop learning. Many professional fields require refresher courses or ongoing training. As medical knowledge and techniques evolve, healthcare professionals must keep up to…

Unlocking Your Potential: 6 Reasons to Attend a Personal Development Retreat

Unlocking Your Potential: 6 Reasons to Attend a Personal Development Retreat

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, often neglecting our own personal growth and…

Is Your Thinking Killing Your Relationship? What you can do to improve it.

Is Your Thinking Killing Your Relationship? What you can do to improve it.

Anyone who has ever been in a long-term relationship knows that there can be challenges along the way. Some difficulties can be immediately apparent due…

The Silent Influence: Managerial Attitudes

The Silent Influence: Managerial Attitudes

In the dynamic business world, a manager’s role extends beyond the traditional realms of task assignment and project oversight. Managers often unknowingly communicate their attitudes…

Get Ready for a Year of Abundance

Get Ready for a Year of Abundance

The week between Christmas and New Year’s is an odd one. You might still be celebrating the holidays or longing to return to your routine.…

My Early Christmas Gift & Manifesting Healing

My Early Christmas Gift & Manifesting Healing

While many people around me are rushing headlong into the holiday season, I’ve been taking things a bit slower. My early Christmas gift came in…

10 Valuable Reasons to Practice Feeling Happy

10 Valuable Reasons to Practice Feeling Happy

You might not think a case would need to be made for feeling happy. Yet, all you need to do is stop and listen –…

The Sweet Connection: Emotions and Our Desire for Sugar

The Sweet Connection: Emotions and Our Desire for Sugar

The Sweet Connection: Emotions and Our Desire for Sugar Have you ever found yourself reaching for an extra piece of chocolate or a sugary treat…

Tap into Your Higher Self: A Guide to Making Confident Decisions

Tap into Your Higher Self: A Guide to Making Confident Decisions

Self-Doubt: A Frequent Companion Doubt is a universal human experience that often surfaces at crucial crossroads. For small business owners and solo practitioners, doubt becomes…

Authentic Customer Care Is All About Love

Authentic Customer Care Is All About Love

“It’s my pleasure,” were the words that caught my attention as I requested thirty-four $10 gift cards over the phone. The agent must have repeated…

What’s Your Money Story?

What’s Your Money Story?

What’s your money story? We all have one. Whether you were born with a silver spoon or are accustomed to living with little, you have…

Successful Networking Requires Commitment To Help Others

Successful Networking Requires Commitment To Help Others

To some business professionals, a measure of their “success” at a trade show or a chamber mixer is the number of business cards they collect.…

Plan your vacation!

Plan your vacation!

We are well into summer, and maybe you are realizing that you haven’t made plans for some rest and relaxation. It’s not too late to…

5 Ways To Increase Personal Efficiency

5 Ways To Increase Personal Efficiency

As organizations grow smaller the result is fewer people striving to do the same amount of work; ergo the need for greater personal efficiency at…

Are Your Employees Slackers? How to Naturally Get Them to Take More Responsibility & Initiative

Are Your Employees Slackers? How to Naturally Get Them to Take More Responsibility & Initiative

During the recent renovation at a local country club, a forklift operator was moving roofing material. As he moved the material from one side of…

Handling Conflict When Tensions Are High

Handling Conflict When Tensions Are High

This is an excerpt of an interview Cheryl did with Corine Wofford of Be The Difference Brigade. Corine asked Cheryl for her insights into how…

Make Immediate Lasting Impressions in 60 Seconds or Less

Make Immediate Lasting Impressions in 60 Seconds or Less

Relationships are where it’s at! Making memorable, lasting connections is important to the success of your business. It is through the relationship that business gets…

Don’t Take Away My Wine!

Don’t Take Away My Wine!

In December, after months of feeling sluggish, brain-fogged, and over my ideal weight, my doctor suggested I try an anti-inflammatory diet. Not knowing what that…

Survey Says…Young Adults are Stressed

Survey Says…Young Adults are Stressed

Yes, I know, Captain Obvious! It’s no surprise that in a recent emotions survey the most frequently experienced emotion was stress. What you may find…

Reward And Affirm Yourself Like You Would Your Dog

Reward And Affirm Yourself Like You Would Your Dog

Saturday marked the start of my fourth canine training class with Milo. I say “my” training class because we all know that dog training is…

Emotional Resiliency is A Learned and Earned Life Skill

Emotional Resiliency is A Learned and Earned Life Skill

When Pinot, my 13-year-old Shih Tzu, passed away this time last year, I was devastated and emotionally fragile. After about two months of grieving, I…

How to De-Escalate an Emotional Meltdown

How to De-Escalate an Emotional Meltdown

My husband, Marvin, took our son’s border collie mix to the vet this morning. Oakley had not been eating and showed several distinct signs of…

OMG! I See IT!

OMG! I See IT!

This is a long post. You know why? Because Brandi is off this week and I don’t know how to post my blog to my…

If the Star is Crooked, It’s OK

If the Star is Crooked, It’s OK

If you are like me, the holidays present an array of mixed emotions-excitement, depression, happiness, sadness, fear, anxiety, and overwhelm, to name a few. Some…

What The Heck Is Going On?

What The Heck Is Going On?

It isn’t easy to understand. Why are people punching flight attendants, demanding to see managers, and becoming violent at school board meetings? Why do we…

Cancel That! How Two Simple Words Can Change Your Life

Cancel That! How Two Simple Words Can Change Your Life

In my last blog, I explained that thinking positive, uplifting thoughts leads to better outcomes, and negative thoughts leads to negative outcomes. We call it…

Feeling Frustrated?

Feeling Frustrated?

Recently, a client came to me for emotional clearing. She said she had realized that she was “supremely angry-all the time.” Not the lashing out…

How To Make A Positive Transition Despite Your Negative Mindset

How To Make A Positive Transition Despite Your Negative Mindset

Delia was miserable. She was in a job that no longer fit her and offered no room for professional growth. Her mother had recently passed…

You Get To Choose

You Get To Choose

Maybe you have read a choose your own ending book where you can choose between Ending A or Ending B by turning to a particular…

4 Easy Ways to Kick-Start Your Post COVID Mental Health Recovery

4 Easy Ways to Kick-Start Your Post COVID Mental Health Recovery

May is Mental Health Month, so let’s talk about mental health. Specifically, the effects of COVID-19 on global and your mental health, and how we…

Emotional Self-Mastery Podcast: Why Don’t You Have More Money?

Emotional Self-Mastery Podcast: Why Don’t You Have More Money?

Hey Kathi Hey Cheryl. What are we talking about today? Today we are exploring “Why you don’t have more money” Kathi-Um, excuse me? Why are…

Emotional Self-Mastery Podcast: What’s Your Relationship with Money?

Emotional Self-Mastery Podcast: What’s Your Relationship with Money?

Today we are talking about, our relationship with money. This is a subject that is an off-shoot of the Impostor Syndrome. Our relationship with money…

Emotional Self Mastery Podcast: Impostor Syndrome -Part 2, Resolution

Emotional Self Mastery Podcast: Impostor Syndrome -Part 2, Resolution

Last week we defined the Impostor syndrome and explored the financial and emotional costs involved with not getting it resolved. To recap, Impostor Syndrome is…

Emotional Self-Mastery Podcast: Impostor Syndrome Part 1

Emotional Self-Mastery Podcast: Impostor Syndrome Part 1

This week we are exploring the reality of imposter syndrome. It’s a phenomenon that virtually everyone experiences at one time or another in their life.…

Emotional Self Mastery Podcast: Jealousy

Emotional Self Mastery Podcast: Jealousy

Do you remember a time when you felt jealous? Jealousy is a complex emotion. It is both human and animal and is directly related to…

Emotional Self-Mastery Podcast: Starting Anew

Emotional Self-Mastery Podcast: Starting Anew

Starting anew. Whether it’s a new year, new month, new day, new relationship, starting anew leaves us with the question, “What am I going to…

My Packing List for 2021

My Packing List for 2021

-Kathi Holzschuher, guest blogger for Simply The Best Results Whew! What a year, huh?  I’m packing up now for my move to the new one.…

3 Tips for Dealing With People Who Trigger Us

3 Tips for Dealing With People Who Trigger Us

Sometimes I wish life were a Hallmark Channel movie. If it were, every girl would meet the man of her dreams while shopping for a…

Mindset-We Become What We Think

Mindset-We Become What We Think

Have you ever noticed that when you hold a concrete goal in your mind and you add in the natural enthusiasm and excitement of working…

If You’re Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands

If You’re Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands

Is it realistic to think you can be happy during a pandemic? That was the question floating through my brain as I sat at my…

Five Things I’ve Learned About Myself During the Pandemic that I Don’t Like

Five Things I’ve Learned About Myself During the Pandemic that I Don’t Like

At the beginning of the COVID19 quarantine, I was optimistic and hopeful that the crisis would blow over quickly. I remained positive throughout the toilet…

Should I Stay, Or Should I Go?

Should I Stay, Or Should I Go?

Should I Stay, Or Should I go? That is the ultimate question for many business consultants, coaches, speakers, and contract trainers. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic,…


It’s Been a Privilege To work With These People

"I truly enjoyed our BEK-Houston Leadership Retreat. Your presentation was on point and your moderating skills were awesome. Everyone in the room felt comfortable enough to speak!"

Lydia Villarreal PTMA Supervisor

"I truly enjoyed our company retreat with you. Your presentation was on-point and your moderation skills are awesome. Everyone felt comfortable enough to speak!"

GM, Food Distributorship

"Cheryl Jones does more than just speak to the audience, she engaged us.  From the start, she put us at as ease and made the work we were doing fun and interactive. Thanks." 

Women's Conference Participant

"I just wanted to say thank you for coming to our college and giving us such a valuable speech. I'm sure I will always remember the 5 important points you told us to be able to succeed."

Quager Durig
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