Translation-Storytelling to Understand with Trevor Perry

If you have ever had to lead a team meeting, teach a workshop, explain a new concept to your people, you know it’s challenging to make it interesting, motivational, educational and memorable. Enter the concept of storytelling for translation.

Guest, Trevor Perry, keynote speaker, IT consultant and author, joins host Cheryl C. Jones for a chat about his “super power” and how he found his passion to help others transform from “searching” to “finding”.

The overall message of this episode is “storytelling for translation is like a spoon full of sugar.” It helps take otherwise potentially boring meetings to the level of interactive and playful in such a way that the participant retains the message.

Complete Show Notes:

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Trevor Perry
Episode 17


Episode 17
Translation-Storytelling to Understand

If you have ever had to lead a team meeting, teach a workshop, explain a new concept to your people, you know it’s challenging to make it interesting, motivational, educational and memorable. Enter the concept of storytelling for translation.

Guest, Trevor Perry, keynote speaker, IT consultant and author, joins host Cheryl C. Jones for a chat about his “super power” and how he found his passion to help others transform from “searching” to “finding”.

The overall message of this episode is “storytelling for translation is like a spoon full of sugar.” It helps take otherwise potentially boring meetings to the level of interactive and playful in such a way that the participant retains the message.

Trevor Perry discovered early on that story telling was his passion. He now teaches others to find their passion. He claims to be “working on wisdom”, “trying to “learn how to use wisdom with critical thinking to help others understand their place in the world and what they can do.”

Perry’s “personal genius”, which he refers to as his “super power”,  is storytelling with translation. His definition of the concept is “learning something and being able to translate that knowledge for others to use.” For him, it is “telling a story in such a way that people understand some heavy concepts, and making it easier to grasp.”

Trevor explains that we use translation in a variety of ways; understanding cultures while traveling, understanding events of the world and seeing the big picture. In practical life, you “can’t just listen to the news, you have to put things together to come to a truth-the way YOU grasp the world.”.

Hear Trevor’s story of using translation dealing with his diabetes at 14:38. From it, he learned to ask questions rather than state positions in a discussion.

Hear Trevor’s story of using translation with a friend who is religious at 16:30. From the interaction, he learned to see the others’ perspective, to understand more about his position, how he came to his perspective and that it’s ok for him to believe what he believes.

Perry says he “is working every day to take the translation and make it into lessons that I can learn to grow”. “The best we can do is try.”

Using improv and creativity are key skills for effective storytelling for translation. They are not inherent, but they can be learned. Hear Trevor’s improv story at 22:50. According to him, “we’re just improv-ving our way through life”.

When asked about influencers who have helped him realize his passion and use his genius, Trevor Perry names 3-

  1. His high school math teacher, Mr. Miller. He was a mathematician AND  he was creative-which showed him that those two worlds can co-exist.
  2. A female instructor in Austin, Texas, who taught a creativity class. She taught alternatively-ESP and psychometry-and opened his creative side.
  3. The workshop attendee who had heard Trevor’s presentation before and was attending for a second time. The person approached Perry and explained that she had taken his concepts to heart and had drastically changed her life for the better. She let him know that he had made a difference in her life.

When asked what we can do to help us develop our ability to story tell through translation, Perry gives the story of a Ft. Worth coffee shop. Listen in at 36:00.

His advice is:

  • Be open and willing to listen
  • Be aware of what’s around you and think about it
  • Be willing to take action
  • Be willing to grow and evolve
  • Always be curious
  • Have patience-because change takes time

Moving forward, Mr. Perry will continue presenting workshops and teaching new concepts through storytelling for translation. He is writing a sequel to his book, Never Iron Naked, called Breathe on Peppers. In 2021 he intends to debut his book, What the Fuck Was I Meant to do?

He intends to “continue impacting people and affecting people in a positive way”, doing open-mic nights and staying open and willing to try new things.

Connect with Trevor Perry


  • “I am the sum of all my experiences”-Trevor Perry
  • “Translation is telling a story in such a way that people can understand some heavy concepts and make it easier to grasp.”-Trevor Perry
  • “The best we can do is try”-Trevor Perry
  • “We are just improv-ving our way through life”.-Trevor Perry
Picture of Cheryl C. Jones
Cheryl C. Jones

As an expert in interpersonal communications, mindset mastery, the Law of Attraction, and two specialty techniques that transform thinking and results, Cheryl Jones delivers powerful and interactive programs that create positive outcomes.

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