It’s that Time of Year – New Year, Full Potential

Female business coach speaking into microphone

It’s that time again when we must consider setting resolutions or goals for the next 12 months. Some experts will suggest striving to reach our “fullest potential.” As an entrepreneur of 30-plus years, I still feel like I have not reached my “full potential.” Instead of that thought getting me down, it got me thinking about what it means to reach my “full potential.”  

We hear it all the time in business and in commercials to join the military. “Be all you can be.” “Reach your full potential.” We even tell our kids, “You’re not reaching your “full potential; work harder.”  

After considering the concept of fulfilling my “full potential,” I realized something was missing. That missing item was a clear definition of the concept. How do I know I’ve reached my potential without a definitive description?  

I bet you’ve never thought about it. Have you? 

Try it now. Write a definition of your “full potential”? I challenge you!  Pretend you are Merriam-Webster.  Grab a piece of paper and a pen. Now, write down the definition of your full potential. What is it? What does it look like?  

Your results will surprise you 

As a mindset and communications trainer and coach, I’ve learned one very important thing about goals and a person’s potential over many years. People only attempt to reach a goal or their “full potential” because they think it will get them something. They believe that achieving it will bring them something they want– money, lifestyle, love, admiration, or power.  

If the first self-assessment question is, how do you define your full potential? Question number two is, what does attaining that goal get you? What will come to you when you get there? 

I recently took on this challenge myself. After being a successful entrepreneur for 30-plus years, I thought it might be fun to define my full potential and what I want it to bring me when I reach it. Here are my results: 

Question 1: Define your full potential. 

My full potential is to utilize my skills, knowledge, talents, and abilities to help others reach and maintain an energy of positive expectation and happiness.  

Question 2: What will attaining your full potential get you? 

Reaching my full potential brings me a sense of fulfillment, happiness, and connectedness to others.  

I’m not so different from most people. I, too, want to make good money, have the power to influence, and live a lovely lifestyle. However, another, more valuable and important layer is beneath those common desires. From the bottom of my heart, I want these things because of the feelings they give me.  

Then there is a third question. This one brings it all together. 

Question 3: What barrier stands in the way between you and reaching your full potential? 

This third question is probably the most important one to consider. Once you’ve identified what you are ultimately striving for, the barriers/excuses appear. Some people tell me that their barrier is a lack of money. Others say it is a lack of a university degree.  

Is there something holding you back?  

When you start to look at the barriers holding you back, you quickly notice a trend. Most items are not tangible. They live in your head. Here are a few examples, 

  • Limiting thoughts.  
  • Fear of overwhelm.  
  • Fear of failure. 
  • Fear of loss of control of my time and schedule 
  • Worry that I might be too old 
  • Fear of dropping the ball 

It’s possible to remove the barriers once you know what they are. Using techniques like the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) or the Emotion Code deletes them from your energy field. Once deleted from your energy field, they no longer influence your daily thinking.  

You will never reach your desired outcome if you decide to hold on to the barriers of limited thought and belief. Imagine your life without your brain cautioning you with worry or fear. Imagine everything working in your favor; your desires coming effortlessly to you. Every step you take brings you closer to fulfillment. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Magical? It is possible!  

Do this three-step exercise for yourself and see what limitations come up for you. Once you’ve identified your limitations, contact me. There are several techniques I can teach you to remove them permanently. Isn’t it time you move in the direction of your potential? 

Wishing you the very best! 

Picture of Cheryl C. Jones
Cheryl C. Jones

As an expert in interpersonal communications, mindset mastery, the Law of Attraction, and two specialty techniques that transform thinking and results, Cheryl Jones delivers powerful and interactive programs that create positive outcomes.

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