23 Experiences I intend to have this year

What experiences do you intend to have this year?

Given that the year is 2023, I thought it only fitting that I come up with 23 experiences that I would like to have this year. Here’s a look at my list. Perhaps it will stimulate you to create your own.

You know, when you regularly review your list of desires, it activates the Universal Law of Attraction, magnetizing those experiences to you. I’m setting my desires in motion by making and reviewing my list every other day.

23 Experiences I Intend to Have This Year

  1. Fly first class on a flight over 3 hours long and enjoy First Class Service
  2. Stay overnight in an ancient castle
  3. Publish a book series
  4. Feed a giraffe at the San Antonio Zoo
  5. Meet P!nk after her concert in San Antonio, TX
  6. Vacation in a resort in Mexico
  7. Tap into some amazing new psychic talents
  8. Attend a spiritual retreat
  9. Consistent success with marketing on social media
  10. Dine at a fine high-end restaurant
  11. My dog to graduate from Therapy Dog Training
  12. Visit retirement communities, rehab centers, and children’s hospitals with my dog, Milo, to bring happiness
  13. Tour Italy
  14. Visit St. Augustine, Florida
  15. Snorkel in the Bahamas
  16. Build my connections on Linked In to 3000
  17. Build my list on Facebook to 1000
  18. Frequent days/evenings filled with laughter and delight
  19. Relax on the beach reading a book with the sand between my toes
  20. Attend at least one professional development seminar
  21. Make 50 new friends
  22. Go on a photo safari
  23. Find treasure using a metal detector at the beach or some other interesting place

What are the top five experiences you would like to have this year?

Leave your ideas in the comments section. And share this post on your feed, please to bring more hope and positivity to the world.

Picture of Cheryl C. Jones
Cheryl C. Jones

As an expert in interpersonal communications, mindset mastery, the Law of Attraction, and two specialty techniques that transform thinking and results, Cheryl Jones delivers powerful and interactive programs that create positive outcomes.

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